- Change of Address - Benelux film distributor Cinemien/ABC and DVD-label Homescreen are moving to a new address. After 16 years at the beautiful Entrepotdok canal, our offices will move to the Amstel, the main river of Amsterdam. STARTING 1 OCTOBER 2004 OUR NEW ADDRESS IS: CINEMIEN & HOMESCREEN Amsteldijk 10 1074 HP Amsterdam The Netherlands Our new phone and telefax numbers will be: Cinemien Telephone +31 (0)20 – 577 6010 Telefax +31 (0)20 – 577 6029 Homescreen Telephone +31(0)20 – 577 60 20 Telefax +31 (0)20 – 577 6029 All e-mail addresses will stay the same. www.cinemien.nl ATTENTION: during the move from September 28th until Friday October 1st it might be hard to reach us by phone. However, e-mail will not be a problem. <!-- Ce Mail a été envoyé à l'adresse : "FILMSTUDIO AN DER RWTH AACHEN" <cannes56@filmstudio.rwth-aachen.de> -->