September 21th to October 5th 2006 Rio de Janeiro Int'l Film Festival is the largest International Festival in Latin American, and one of the most important in the world. During the 15 days of the event, the festival brings together, producers, sales agents, broadcasters and professionals from all areas of the audiovisual industry worldwide. Besides the screening of films, an important part of the Rio de Janeiro Int'l Film Festival is the rioscreenings&seminars, which includes an audiovisual market and a number of seminars and workshops. Rioseminars will approach subjects of high relevance for the industry, as well as inform about the new tendencies and technologies. The registration for rioseminars will be from July 15th to September 10th. The program will be available soon. We warn you to make an early registration because there is a limited number of participants. Rioscreenings will be a meeting point where professionals from the audiovisual industry are able to get together and view the most recent productions, specially from Brazil and Latin America, including features made for TV and cinema, documentaries and short movies. We will count on an infrastructure of video and DVD cabins, to you, producer, distributor, or programme researcher. This is a great opportunity for you to show and sell your product. The rioscreenings registration will be opened between July 15th and August 30th to shorts and feature films (documentary, fiction or animation), tv series and programmes on those formats: VHS NTCS and DVD, produced from 2004 to 2006, with english subtitles, complete file and promotional material. Films still in pos-production can also participate. We will only accept up to 5 productions per company .Each participant will be responsable for shipping expenses. To submit your production to rioscreenings and/or to participate on rioseminars make the on line registration on the web site www.festivaldorio.com.br and fill in the entry form that will be available from July 15th on. Finally we would like to update our database, in this regard, please, fill in the information below . Company: Contact/position: Telephone: E-mail/website: City/Country: Best Regards, Rio de Janeiro Int'l Film Festival 2006 Staff Co-ordination Rioseminars Daniel van Hoogstraten rioseminars@festivaldorio.com.br Co-ordination Rioscreenings Sebastian B.Acevedo and Sylvia Morgado rioscreenings@festivaldorio.com.br Rioscreenings&seminars Assistant Mariana Macieira FESTIVAL DO RIO 2006 Rua Arnaldo Quintela, 62 cep: 22280 070 | Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil | Tel/Fax: 55 21 2295 1060 www.festivaldorio.com.br