Dear Markus York International is excited to announce that Emmanual Itier will direct BIG BAD BOOGEYMAN, the next installment in their highly successful horror slate. BIG BAD BOOGEYMAN rounds off the first half of the highly successful horror package produced by Urban Girl Productions including SCARECROW GONE WILD, ALIEN 51 (Heidi Fleiss) and CORPSES (Jeff Fahey), all of which are distributed by York International and have enjoyed great success in the international marketplace. DR. CHOPPER, completed in January will premiere in Cannes. For the past year, York International has been successfully conducting pre-sales on BIG BAD BOOGEYMAN and will continue to do so in Cannes this May. Jennifer Dillon will be manning Yorks booth 22.01 in the Palais and will be happy to give you more information regarding sales for your territory. Her contact numbers in Cannes are 33 (0) (booth)/33 (0) (mobile). If you are not attending Cannes and would like more information, see contact info below. In the vein of THE VILLAGE meets JEEPERS CREEPERS, BIG BAD BOGGEYMAN, Itier promises that BIG BAD BOOGEYMAN will push the limits of the horror genre and deliver a film full of darkness and terror. He also has put together a top of the line crew to assure a high level of creativity and execution just as he had done previously with SCARECROW and SCARECROW SLAYER for York International. Byron Werner (Starkweather, Officer Down) has been named as Director of Photography and Anthony C. Ferrante (Scarecrow, Scarecrow Slayer, Arachnid, Wishmaster 2,) will supervise Special Effects. Negotiations with actors are in progress and York hopes to announce the cast line-up soon. York International is excited to team up again with Emmanuel Itier and provide another quality hit for international sales. Jennifer Dillon Director- International Sales York International 4565 Sherman Oaks Ave. Sherman Oaks Ca, 91403 P: 818-788-4050 ex. 314 F: 818-788-4011 visit our website: www.yorkinternationalinc.com <http://www.yorkinternationalinc.com>