Dear BeBuddy members, here are some useful information for you: 1) The Russian student association proudly presents: Butter Week - Maslenitsa As some of you might know, in Eastern Slavic countries there is a holiday called Maslenitsa (Butter week), which is kind of like carnival, but different. Come and celebrate it with VERSA (Vereinigung Russischsprechender Studenten Aachens). You will learn about roots of this holiday and traditions, try tasty Blinis (Russian pancakes), play some games and learn some Russian dances. Where: Humboldthaus, EG When: Saturday, Feb 9, 2019, 8pm The event will be held in English. https://www.facebook.com/events/776063079433570/ 2) TONIGHT! Meet old and new friends at the BeBuddy-Get together at Café Papillon! Our BeBuddy Get-Together evening gives you the opportunity to meet other students who are also part of this program and make new friends. When? March 6, Thursday, 7pm-10pm Location: „Papillon“, Pontstraße 151 (http://www.cafepapillon-ac.de/) Registration: None 3) 2-days workshop on intercultural communication – Register now The workshop is intended for German and international students who wish to embark upon a study abroad period, who are active in international student organizations, or who would simply like to improve their communication skills. During the two days, students are given the opportunity to develop their intercultural competence, a skills set which becomes ever more useful for all professional activities and which is thus looked for by prospective employers. As the seminar is held in English, you will also improve your English language proficiency. Therefore you should bring a basic knowledge of English so as to be able to participate in discussions and group activities. "Perfect" English, however, is by no means required! The workshop is held by Alexia Petersen, a Canadian with multicultural background who has lived in Aachen for many years. Ms. Petersen is a highly experienced trainer and consultant in intercultural communication, working with various target groups in both universities and research institutions, and international companies. Here<http://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Die-RWTH/Profil/Internationalisierung/Veranstaltungen/~czib/Workshop-Interkulturelle-Kommunikation/?lidx=1> are the available dates for 2019. Language: English Location: You will get the information after the registration Registration: The number of the participants for each date is limited. Please send an email to (Ms.) Dominika Dudzik Dominika.Dudzik@zhv.rwth-aachen.de<mailto:Dominika.Dudzik@zhv.rwth-aachen.de> 4) Become a host for the AISA Home-Buddy Program this summer semester AISA (Association of Indian Students in Aachen) is looking for you if you want to support new international students with a temporary accommodation. It's an amazing opportunity for the people staying in Aachen to become one of the hosts for the students arriving in March/ April to start their summer semester at RWTH Aachen/ FH Aachen. As we all know how difficult it was to find accommodation in our early days in Aachen, let's mitigate this for the incoming students. This is, of course, only a temporary provision, aimed at helping students as they set foot in Aachen and look for long term accommodation. Join The Home-Buddy Program as hosts and lets spread some goodwill and make the new students feel most welcome in Deutschland!😊 Moreover, the Home-Buddy Program counts as a component of the Zertifikat-Internationales RWTH<http://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Im-Studium/Engagement-Freizeit/Engagement-International/Zertifikat-Internationales/~bqxs/Zertifikat-Mobilitaet/> (Group 1), under the RWTH Aachen University - International Office Please fill the google doc provided below and you will find more details about the Home-Buddy program enclosed. https://goo.gl/forms/nKxdbYgbGkHXAqRA3 Have a nice week! Dominika Dudzik and the BeBuddy Team PS: You can also follow us on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/groups/462299100546664/?fref=ts> In case you want to unsubscribe, please write a short email to bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de<mailto:bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de>
participants (1)
Dez. 2.0 HiWi-Bebuddy