Dear BeBuddy members, a Happy New Year 2019 to all of you! 1) Come and join the first 2019 Bebuddy Get together at Café Papillon! Our BeBuddy Get-Together evening gives you the opportunity to meet other students who are also part of this program and make new friends. When? Jan 10, Thursday, 7pm-10pm Location: „Papillon“, Pontstraße 151 (http://www.cafepapillon-ac.de/) Registration: None Please click here to get more information on facebook<https://www.facebook.com/events/381340702672932/>. 2) Are you planning a career start in Germany? Register now for one of the workshops of the Career Center, tailored for the needs of international students! The Career Center also offers group sessions, Walk-Ins and individual advise for all questions about applying and career start in Germany. Please refer to https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Nach-dem-Studium/Karriere/~byfi/... for more information. 3) Next Deutschstunde @Humboldthaus on Feb 1, 2019 Due to constructions in Humboldthaus, we will offer the next German tutoring class on Friday, Feb 1, 2019 1-3pm. The International Office organizes regular German mentoring meetings in Humboldthaus. German speaking students act as tutors to international students and provide them with additional support in learning German. You can just sit and talk about different topics, exchange interesting information about your studies or read German newspapers or other interesting texts together. Location: Humboldt-Haus (Pontstr. 41) Aachen, 2nd floor. Fees: None (international students who want to learn German do not need to register) 4) “Aachen Writers Group” invites you to join the 2019 Writers Group Kick-off Let's start 2019 with some writing and talking about writing! What do you want to accomplish this year, and how would you like to do it? Do you have suggestions for activities or structures that the Writing Group can adopt to help you reach your writing goals? Where? Café & Bar Zuhause, Sandkaulstraße 109, 52062 Aachen, Germany When? Sunday at 7 PM – 10 PM More information on facebook<https://www.facebook.com/events/597166594046947/>. 5) Start 2019 with poetry and music at the Jazz Slam by ASTA RWTH Aachen For many years the so-called “Hörsaal- Slam”, one of the biggest poetry slams in Germany, has enjoyed increasing popularity. Now it's time for a new format! Combine the liveliest form of literature with one of the most free forms of music and you get the Jazz Poetry Slam. For the third time in Aachen, renowned slam poets* will perform on stage together with an outstanding jazz trio in order to present a unique and unique performance. During the performance, the musicians transform the mood of the texts into tones and sounds that accompany, amplify or even contrast the spoken word. Look forward to the best entertainment with humour and depth, musically accompanied by brilliant instrumentalists! • Where: Aula 1 | Templergraben 55 | 52062 Aachen • When: Jan 11 • Door open at 7.30 pm • Start: 8 pm • Entrance fee: 5€ VVK, 6€ AK More information on facebook.<https://www.facebook.com/events/345385476018413/> Have a nice week! Dominika Dudzik and the BeBuddy Team PS: You can also follow us on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/groups/462299100546664/?fref=ts> In case you want to unsubscribe, please write a short email to bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de<mailto:bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de>
participants (1)
Dez. 2.0 HiWi-Bebuddy