Dear BeBuddy members, here are some useful information for you: 1) Time to get to know BeBuddy fellows: BeBuddy Get-Together on Oct 11, 2018 Our BeBuddy Get-Together evening gives you the opportunity to meet other students who are also part of this program and make new friends. When? October 11, Wednesday, 7pm-10pm Location: „Papillon“, Pontstraße 151 (http://www.cafepapillon-ac.de/) Registration: None Please click here to get more information on facebook.<https://www.facebook.com/events/307776256619019/> 2) Deutschstunde @Humboldthaus on Fridays, 1-3pm To all our German speaking students: Sign up as a German tutor and help your international fellows to learn German in a nice and relaxed atmosphere. The International Office organizes German mentoring meetings in the Humboldthaus every Friday, 1-3pm. German speaking students act as tutors to international students and provide them with additional support in learning German. You can just sit and talk about different topics, exchange interesting information about your studies or read German newspapers or other interesting texts together. Date: Next date, Oct. 12 , 2018, every Friday from 1 - 3 pm Location: Humboldt-Haus (Pontstr. 41) Aachen, 2nd floor. Fees: None (international students who want to learn German do not need to register) In case you want to act as a German mentor, pls fill out the doodle link: https://doodle.com/poll/w4k5kapitivsrrnz Your commitment as a tutor will be considered for the Certificate International, voluntary component of group 1.<http://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Im-Studium/Engagement-Freizeit/Engagement-International/Zertifikat-Internationales/Komponenten/~bxgy/Mitarbeit-als-Sprachlehrerin-oder-Sprach/?lidx=1> 3) INCAS Wochenende “Trier” on Saturday, 27th of October INCAS stands for INtercultural Centre of Aachen Students and is a student organization, which is financially and logistically supported by the International Office of RWTH Aachen and FH Aachen. They cordially invite you to join the INCAS trip to Trier: In the morning, you will take the bus to Trier. After arrival, you will have a guided city tour which will lead you through 2000 years of history. The group will visit all important sights of Trier, such as the roman town gate Porta Nigra, the impressive Konstantinbasilica and the roman thermal springs, the “Kaiserthermen”, once the biggest in the Roman Empire. Afterwards, you will have time to explore Trier on your own. More information can be found on the INCAS homepage: https://www.incas.rwth-aachen.de/newsite/index.php/en/offers You can register to the trip through this link: https://goo.gl/forms/sujzi4Or2QDdkRwx1 Short Information Saturday, the 27th of October – 8.15am to 9pm – Participation fee: 17€ (this includes: bus transfer, guided city tour) Dominika Dudzik and the BeBuddy Team PS: You can also follow us on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/groups/462299100546664/?fref=ts> In case you want to unsubscribe, please write a short email to bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de<mailto:bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de>
participants (1)
Dudzik, Dominika