Dear BeBuddy members, here are some useful information for you: 1) Save the date: Student Christmas Market on Dec 11, 3-10pm! Christmas market all over again, wet feet, freezing rain, totally overcrowded and still nothing new to explore ? Not this year! The Student Christmas Market will also this winter serve as an example of how diverse and colorful christmas is celebrated all over the world, so there will be plenty of room for music, performances and creative ideas along with different join-in activities. Of course we didn't forget about a traditional mulled wine (Glühwein) booth! Here traditional mulled wine (Glühwein) and hot punch will not only keep your hands warm, but also support local charity projects. Curious?Join the second Christmas market organized by students for everybody! The Christmas market will take place 11th of December at Humboldt-Haus of the RWTH Aachen (Pontstraße 41). Many different student initiatives will offer international specialties, colourful waffles, cakes, cookies, mulled wine, christmassy cocktails and much more, everything made with lots of love. All profits of the day will be donated to non-profit projects and social organizations. The market starts at 3 pm and the last mulled wine will be served at 10 pm. Entry is totally free! Bring along your roommates, grandparents or even your pet, everybody is very welcome! More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/2246073832303154/ 2) Are you planning a career start in Germany? Register now for one of the workshops of the Career Center, tailored for the needs of international students! The Career Center also offers group sessions, Walk-Ins and individual advise for all questions about applying and career start in Germany. Please refer to https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Nach-dem-Studium/Karriere/~byfi/... for more information. 3) Deutschstunde @Humboldthaus, Friday Dec 14, 2018! To all our German speaking students: Sign up as a German tutor and help your international fellows to learn German in a nice and relaxed atmosphere. The International Office organizes German mentoring meetings in the Humboldthaus every Friday, 1-3pm. German speaking students act as tutors to international students and provide them with additional support in learning German. You can just sit and talk about different topics, exchange interesting information about your studies or read German newspapers or other interesting texts together. Date: Every Friday from 1 - 3 pm Location: Humboldt-Haus (Pontstr. 41) Aachen, 2nd floor. Fees: None (international students who want to learn German do not need to register) In case you want to act as a German mentor, pls fill out the doodle link: https://doodle.com/poll/w4k5kapitivsrrnz Your commitment as a tutor will be considered for the Certificate International, voluntary component of group 1.<http://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Im-Studium/Engagement-Freizeit/Engagement-International/Zertifikat-Internationales/Komponenten/~bxgy/Mitarbeit-als-Sprachlehrerin-oder-Sprach/?lidx=1> 4) INCAS International Breakfast Spain 08.12.18 ‣ WHAT Spanish Breakfast (Brunch) We will prepare a nice variety of hot and cold dishes, some vegan and some with meat - it will be very delicious! ‣ WHEN SATURDAY, December 8th, 2018. (Those of you who have joined us before know that it usually takes place on Sundays. This time is an exception!) ‣ WHERE Humboldt-Haus Pontstraße 41 52062 Aachen ‣ HOW MUCH Door: 3€ per Person // Early Bird: 2€ per Person And you can eat till your tummy is happy. :-) Please register in this google form in advance so we can plan the right amount of food for you guys! No one will leave hungry and no food needs to be wasted! https://goo.gl/forms/zGBryAnw0fIk1BvL2 ‣ DETAILS There are 40 spots availabe! For more information, please click on the facebook event.<https://www.facebook.com/events/866627933545052/> Have a nice weekend! Dominika Dudzik and the BeBuddy Team PS: You can also follow us on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/groups/462299100546664/?fref=ts> In case you want to unsubscribe, please write a short email to bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de<mailto:bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de>