BeBuddy-Newsletter 11/2020 A new semester - a new BeBuddy newsletter :-) Please find attached the BeBuddy newsletter for November 2020 as a pdf file. Here is what expects you: 1) Erik and Bruno - 10 years anniversary of a beautiful friendship starting in the BeBuddy program 2) Get to know UAEM- Universities Allied for Essential Medicines 3) THE ASTA invites you to join the digital “Tag der studentischen Initiativen” 4) DAAD prize awards socially engaged international students 5) Group Advising Sessions "Going Abroad" 6) Live-Streaming: fuck up stories Aachen – student edition Have a nice rest of the week, enjoy the falling leaves and good luck with the new semester! Dominika Dudzik, Cansel Ova, Wen Wei and Haiyan Saadi from the BeBuddy Team PS: You can also follow us on Facebook In case you want to unsubscribe, please write a short email to bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de<mailto:bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de> Abteilung 2.2 - Betreuung Dezernat 2.0 - Internationale Hochschulbeziehungen RWTH Aachen University SuperC, Raum 3.26 Templergraben 57 52062 Aachen Tel: +49 241 80-90833 Fax: +49 241 80-92155 Die Räumlichkeiten des International Office sind zur Zeit geschlossen. Wir arbeiten im Home Office und bleiben zu den gewohnten Zeiten per E-Mail und Telefon gut erreichbar. Aktuelle Informationen zum Thema Coronakrise teilt die RWTH im Blog www.rwth-aachen.de/corona<http://www.rwth-aachen.de/corona>. Wir bedanken uns für Ihr Verständnis. Bleiben Sie gesund! The International Office is currently closed. We are working from home and will remain easily accessible by email and telephone at the usual times. The RWTH shares current information about the Corona crisis in the blog www.rwth-aachen.de/corona<http://www.rwth-aachen.de/corona>. Thank you for your understanding. Stay healthy!