Dear Buddies & Mentees, Welcome back from the weekend! Here are some fresh information on upcoming events and service offers for you! 1) Welcome Weeks for new international students summer semester 2024 ( ) 2) Advising for Students With Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses ( ) 3) Information about the Deutschlandsemesterticket ( ) 4) Uni at City Hall: The New World of Work! ( ) 5) Feminism WTF together with the film studio ( ) Have a good start in the new month (hopefully with some sunshine) and good luck with your upcoming exams! Dominika Lichteveld and Betül Yildiz from the BeBuddy Team Please only use <mailto:bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de> bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de to contact us or, in case you want to unsubscribe, write a short email to <mailto:bebuddy-leave@lists.rwth-aachen.de> bebuddy-leave@lists.rwth-aachen.de Division 2.2 - International Student and Scholar Service Department 2.0 - International Office RWTH Aachen University SuperC, Room 3.26 Templergraben 57 52062 Aachen bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de www.rwth-aachen.de/bebuddy