Dear BeBuddy members, we hope you had a good start in your exam preparation phase! Here are some useful information for you: 1) Check out the list of all RWTH study rooms To help you preparing for your exams during the lecture-free period, the ASTA compiled a list of all university study rooms in cooperation with the central university administration: http://www.rwth-aachen.de/lernraeume 2) Share Valentine’s day with BeBuddy fellows at the Get together at Café Papillon! Our BeBuddy Get-Together evening gives you the opportunity to meet other students who are also part of this program and make new friends. When? Feb 14, Thursday, 7pm-10pm Location: „Papillon“, Pontstraße 151 (http://www.cafepapillon-ac.de/) Registration: None Please click here to get more information on facebook.<https://www.facebook.com/events/615965975492999/> 3) Recent job positions for students at the RWTH International Office In case you are looking for an student job position in an international environment at RWTH, please have a look at the recent job announcements: http://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Die-RWTH/Jobs-Ausbildung/Jobboerse/~kbag/... or http://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Die-RWTH/Jobs-Ausbildung/Jobboerse/~kbag/... 4) Come and reactivate your foreign language skills at INCAS Café Lingua INCAS (INterkulturelles Centrum Aachener Studierender) cordially invites you to come and practice your foreign language skills at their language tables. When? Today, 8-11 pm, Humboldthaus, ground floor The table leaders and native speakers will make sure you leave the place with new interesting expressions, phrases and a big smile on your face 😉 They will have prepared a topic which will lead to interesting discussions. Get excited! The INCAS team is looking forward to seeing you. More information on facebook.<https://www.facebook.com/events/359512017976536/> 5) Become a host for the AISA Home-Buddy Program this summer semester AISA (Association of Indian Students in Aachen) is looking for you if you want to support new international students with a temporary accommodation. It's an amazing opportunity for the people staying in Aachen to become one of the hosts for the students arriving in March/ April to start their summer semester at RWTH Aachen/ FH Aachen. As we all know how difficult it was to find accommodation in our early days in Aachen, let's mitigate this for the incoming students. This is, of course, only a temporary provision, aimed at helping students as they set foot in Aachen and look for long term accommodation. Join The Home-Buddy Program as hosts and lets spread some goodwill and make the new students feel most welcome in Deutschland!😊 Moreover, the Home-Buddy Program counts as a component of the Zertifikat-Internationales RWTH<http://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Im-Studium/Engagement-Freizeit/Engagement-International/Zertifikat-Internationales/~bqxs/Zertifikat-Mobilitaet/> (Group 1), under the RWTH Aachen University - International Office Please fill the google doc provided below and you will find more details about the Home-Buddy program enclosed. https://goo.gl/forms/nKxdbYgbGkHXAqRA3 6) AEGEE round table: Free Public Transport as a Mobility Solution? With rising car usage, many cities are facing problems of pollution, congestion and infrastructure shortages. Especially with a rising mobility demand, many local authorities are searching for solutions and turn to new public transport policies. Can free public transport for everyone at any time be the solution? AEGEE invites you for a discussion session to look at different aspects and examples of the topic and discuss in Bar Zuhause in a relaxed atmosphere. Afterwards you are welcome to stay for our weekly meeting (Stammtisch) of AEGEE-Aachen! More information here<https://www.facebook.com/events/1459759647489091/>. Have a nice week! Dominika Dudzik and the BeBuddy Team PS: You can also follow us on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/groups/462299100546664/?fref=ts> In case you want to unsubscribe, please write a short email to bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de<mailto:bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de>