Dear BeBuddy members, we hope you’re having a nice week! Here are some useful information for you: 1) Start next week with a drink and a nice chat: Come and join the Bebuddy Get together at Café Papillon! Our BeBuddy Get-Together evening gives you the opportunity to meet other students who are also part of this program and make new friends. When? May, 6, Monday, 7.00 pm-10.00pm Location: „Papillon“, Pontstraße 151 (http://www.cafepapillon-ac.de/) Registration: None Please click here to get more information on facebook.<https://www.facebook.com/events/629298934250635/?notif_t=plan_user_joined¬if_id=1556623616599652> 2) You want to know what the future of aerospace looks like? You are interested in digitalization, urban mobility and New Space? Find out more first-hand from Airbus CTO Grazia Vittadini at Forum M on Friday, 3rd of May 2019, organized by EUROAVIA Aachen. The following topics will be discussed: Electric & Hybrid Propulsion, Urban Air Mobility, OneWeb, Quantum Computing & AI. It is also possible to ask questions yourself. Apply under the following link: https://www.euroavia.rwth-aachen.de/index.php/airbus-cto-vortrag The EUROAVIA Aachen Team is looking forward to welcome you! 3) Check out the RWTH Career Center’s offers for international students Applying in Germany · This training session aims to supply formal and content requirements for job applications in Germany. At the end of the seminar participants will have a model CV and letter of application with a list of important factors for a successful application as well as feedback on their specific documents. · Date: 19.06.2019, 13.30 –17.30 Nach dem Studium in Deutschland arbeiten? Presentation in German · In der Informationsveranstaltung erhalten internationale Studierende eine Übersicht über den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt sowie die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Außerdem informieren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, des Ausländeramts der Städteregion Aachen sowie des Career Centers der RWTH und des Career Services der FH Aachen über Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten, Anlaufstellen und Angebote mit dem Ziel, internationale Studierende optimal beim Einstieg in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt zu unterstützen. · Termin: 24.06.2019, 14.00 – 15.30 Uhr Understanding German business culture · Together with the International Office, the Career Center offers this half-day intercultural application training in English for international students. Date: 10.07.2019, 10.00-14.00 For questions regarding the seminars, please contact the RWTH Aachen University Career Center: Julia Anton, M.A. Templergraben 83 52062 Aachen Email: career.international@rwth-aachen.de Phone: 0241-80 94104 4) Announcement: Scholarship for Completing Studies and Scholarship for Particularly Involved International Students We would like to inform you that the application period for the Scholarship for Completing Studies and the Scholarship for Particularly Involved International Students will start on the 1st of May. Both scholarships are awarded by the International Office with funds from the DAAD. They are meant for international students who have a good or very good academic performance and engage themselves internationally besides their studies. You are welcome to apply, if you are eligible. Please find more information regarding eligibility and the application procedure here: www.rwth-aachen.de/stipendium-engagierte<http://www.rwth-aachen.de/stipendium-engagierte> www.rwth-aachen.de/studienabschluss-stipendium<http://www.rwth-aachen.de/studienabschluss-stipendium> Feel free to contact Tamara Weber,<http://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Die-RWTH/Kontakt-Anreise/Kontakt-RWTH-Aachen/~bdfr/Mitarbeiter-CAMPUS-/?gguid=0x4778BA8483B0FC4F856B34FA8192277D&allou=1> if you have any questions. 5) Start with a Friend brings local and refugees in tandems – want to join in? Start with a Friend e.V<https://www.start-with-a-friend.de/>, brings local and refugees in tandems together – based on interests and needs. Ideally a friendship evolves, but in any case a network is established which facilitates the refugees’ successful start in Germany. Start with a Friend accompanies and mentors the tandems after the matching and organizes a wide range of community activities to bring people together and build a community. Furthermore, we want to create an environment, which enables even people with busy schedules to commit their free time to civic engagement and dedicate their time and resources according to their capacities. Want to join in? Become part of the SwaF - Community and get involved with, either in a tandem partnership as a local or as a team member. Being active within the association will be considered as a component of the Certificate International, Group 1.<http://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Im-Studium/Engagement-Freizeit/Engagement-International/Zertifikat-Internationales/Komponenten/~kypm/Ehrenamtliches-Engagement-in-einem-Proje/?lidx=1> Stop by at their upcoming local evenings and /or contact them via email Aachen@start-with-a-friend.de<mailto:Aachen@start-with-a-friend.de>: 20.05.2019, 7.30 pm at Kuckucksnest<https://www.kuckucksnestaachen.de/>. 23.05.2019, 7.30 pm at Kuckucksnest<https://www.kuckucksnestaachen.de/>. Have a nice start in the month of May! Dominika Dudzik and the BeBuddy Team PS: You can also follow us on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/groups/462299100546664/?fref=ts> In case you want to unsubscribe, please write a short email to bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de<mailto:bebuddy@rwth-aachen.de>