BeBuddy-Newsletter 12/2020
I hope you had a wonderful week and you’re enjoying waiting for snowflakes •
You'll find the December newsletter attached as a pdf.
What you can find inside:
1) Start your business at RWTH Aachen University
2) Free attempt regulation for exams extended for winter term 20/21
3) Digital “Hörsaalslam” Vol.2 on Friday, Dec 18, 8pm (in German)
4) The AV RWTH announces to all internationals: Future students need your help
5) House-Hunting consultation – a new offer from RWTH International office for new international students
We hope you enjoy your holidays despite Corona. Stay positive for better times in 2021. We are happy to have you in our BeBuddy network.
Dominika Dudzik, Wen Wei and Haiyan Saadi from the BeBuddy Team
PS: You can also follow us on Facebook<>
In case you want to unsubscribe, please write a short email to bebuddy(a)<>
Die Räumlichkeiten des International Office sind zurzeit geschlossen. Wir arbeiten im Home-Office und bleiben zu den gewohnten Zeiten per E-Mail und Telefon gut erreichbar. Aktuelle Informationen zum Thema Coronakrise teilt die RWTH im Blog<>. Wir bedanken uns für Ihr Verständnis. Bleiben Sie gesund!