Fwd: ESMolNa2018 and Worskshop on 2D Materials Announcement
Who wants to attend this year's ESMolNa? -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: ESMolNa2018 and Worskshop on 2D Materials Announcement Datum: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 11:46:28 +0100 Von: Paco Escrig <paco@icmol.es> An: icmol@llistes.uv.es, eimm@llistes.uv.es Dear colleagues, The pre-registration period for the *11^th European School on Molecular Nanoscience (ESMolNa 2018)*has been opened. This meeting will be held in *Puerto de Santiago (Tenerife, Spain) from May 20^th to 25^th 2018.* The *6th Workshop on 2D Materials* *(W2DM2018)* willtake place on May 25^th and 26^th 2018, having the first day a joint program with ESMolNa2018. More information about those events can be found on the webpage www.icmol.es/esmolna2018 <http://www.icmol.es/esmolna2018> ESMolNa2018 & W2DM2018 intend to provide a suitable framework to show and extensively discuss the state-of-the-art in the Nanoscience and 2D materials areas, including supramolecular chemistry, molecular electronics and molecular magnetism, graphene and other bidimensional materials. Lectures are aimed at the post-graduate level as they will be presented to an audience primarily formed by post-graduate, PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. In fact, the School will be the last part of an intensive Advanced Course of three weeks organized in the frame of a Master in Molecular Nanoscience. This meeting also intends to be a forum where the active European scientific groups working in these areas will have the opportunity to meet and informally discuss with the younger generations. This training school is organized by the Instituto de Ciencia Molecular (ICMol) of the University of Valencia, the University ofLa Laguna and the COST Action MOLSPIN: Molecular Spintronics (Action Number: CA15128). *Deadlines:* ·Pre-registration: March 15th 2018, or until sold out. ·Final Registration: April 12th, 2018, or until sold out. ·Registration fee payment: April 21st, 2018 ·Abstracts submission: April 12th, 2018 *Please forward this e-mail to colleagues who might be interested.* ** With our best regards, *School Committee:* ·Eugenio Coronado (Chair) - European Institute of Molecular Magnetism (EIMM) & ICMol - Universitat de València , Spain ·Catalina Ruiz Pérez (Chair) - Universidad de La Laguna, Spain ** *School Secretary* ** Paco Escrig francisco.escrig@uv.es <mailto:francisco.escrig@uv.es> -ICMol - Universitat de València , Spain www.icmol.es/esmolna2018 <http://www.icmol.es/esmolna2018> *CLÀUSULA DE CONFIDENCIALITAT * Aquest missatge ha estat generat des d'un compte de la Universitat de València per a les finalitats pròpies de la institució. 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participants (1)
Paul Kögerler