Fwd: Trainer Recertification Exam: Snow 101 & 201 Combo now available

Hallo co-trainer, Anbei mehr Details zum Combo Exam und die 201 Änderungen für Trainer. Bitte versucht euch die Materialien bis zu unserem Treffen am 5.11. angeschaut zu haben. Gruß, Jonathan Who can take it: Current Leopard 101 & 201 ACTs only Passing score: 88% What certifications are earned by passing: Current Leopard 101 and Leopard 201 trainers with ACTC 10.5 certification will earn Snow 101, Snow 201, ACSP 10.6, and ACTC 10.6 by passing this exam. When it is available: October 13, 2009 through January 15, 2010. After January 15, trainers will have to attend a new T3 to earn the Snow 101 and Snow 201 certifications. Where to take it: Online. Leopard 101 and Leopard 201 trainers can take this exam at home, with no proctor. What it costs: $200 USD, payable by credit card. How to access it: Log in to http://ibt.prometric.com/apple with your Prime user name and password Enter/review/update your contact info Click "Change Domain" on the left, and select the IT / Pro Apps domain Click Take a Test in the Candidate menu In the middle field, labeled "Private," enter keycode: ACTRSNOWCOMBO34 Start the test von: https://atis.training.apple.com/groups/macos-101-v105/wiki/fda00/Trainer_Rec... Gruß Begin forwarded message:
From: Judy Lawrence <judyl@apple.com> Date: October 14, 2009 1:51:06 GMT+02:00 To: "Leopard 101 List (support)" <act-leopard-101@group.apple.com> Subject: Trainer Recertification Exam: Snow 101 & 201 Combo now available
Greetings Trainers,
We are pleased to announce that the Trainer Recertification Exam: Snow 101 & 201 Combo (9L0-514) exam has been published, and is now live! It will be available only until January 15, 2010.
Please visit the Leopard 101: Mac OS X Support Essentials wiki on ATIS for detailed instructions for how to access the exam.
Thanks and good testing!
Judy Lawrence | Apple Authorized Training Center Program Manager | 408.974.8892
participants (1)
Jonathan Diehl